Saturday, April 30, 2011

crunch time

Well as finals week come up close again it's the time for crunch time. Not for finals however since I only have two of those, but the spring showcase. Before thursday I have to have my puppet finished, a hand drawn lipsych animation, and preferably a philosophy paper done. Right now I'm trying to get my mind around doing philosophy but as you can tell I'm failing at it. Truthfully I would rather be making my book or ghost or something for my stopmo animation. Did I mention I love stop motion animation, especially the fabrication of props and the puppets. I would really like to be a set designer someday for stop motion animations. I don't even mind this crunch time it's really what I live for it's exciting and makes me feel like I'm actually doing something. Well I should get back to that paper so I can have that done before my friend gets back from work so I'm actually free to hang out.

Friday, April 1, 2011

49 hours competition

So there is this competition through Indianapolis that is for animation. There are 5 teams from the University that are competing in this. So I'm super excited. I wanted to stop motion but I just really wanted to be involved and get some experience. My group is the VBAMF!. It's our initials what were you thinking it meant? Anyways, tommarrow we will be given a theme at 6p.m. and then we have til sunday at 7 p.m. to post our animation on vimeo. So this will be a lot of work but worth it. The film department is videoing us working and doing interviews and a documentary on the whole process. That should be interesting too. So I should get to bed soon since I have such a busy weekend coming up. I'll go to bed when I finish my sophomore review demo reel it's exporting at this moment. So I think it is done and I'm going to get to bed now.

Here is the demo reel. Yeah It's basically stuff that was already on here but I thought it might be nice to put up