Monday, March 5, 2012

Common Ground: Shot 2/ Shot 5

So we have gotten two more shots out of the way this week. I've got some more behind the scenes pictures again this week. We have also learned the hard way to be extra gentle with your puppets or else they will break. Butch busted his wrist and need a replacement. Thankfully I have wonderful molds and could easily make a new arm for him in only a couple of days. The setup of the silicon was what took so much time. Since I was pouring butch's hands I made an extra pair for Allen too.
Another exciting thing this week was Tom Gasek's visit to campus. He's an amazing stop motion animator, and he gave us a workshop on how to animate. Our shot 5 shows his influence in it for sure. Also he gave very useful tips for grip work before animating and for demo reels. I'm so thankful he came and gave us such useful info.
I also went to a lecture of Mark Kennedy, an disney story artist, at ball state this week. He gave a very informative presentation for the creation of story. I even found out he got his start in stop motion also.
So now I leave you with the photos from this week.
Mike diligently working

Allen taking a break

I made a manhole cover


Mike animating

Me and Mike working on the shot

Mike trying to decide what the next frame should look like

Off to work

Whats that?

Allen sees something

dynamic posing

There is an up cropping of hands

hands can be used as a palette too

Butch's broken wrist

first to comment wins a special prize


  1. I love seeing the pictures from your project. :D My favorite one in this batch is Allen taking a break and your hand palette.

    What prize do I win? ;)
